A balloon flew out of my car trunk today
Just took flight soaring away
Watching the balloon as it flew
The horrible pain came back just like
The day we had to physically let you go.
I watched that balloon for a while
Never realizing I had tears flowing down
As I continued to watch the balloon
All I can do is see your beautiful smile
The one you had on the day you let go
To soar with the eagles.
Although it totally broke my heart
I felt you with me as I watched that balloon
Like you were saying “hey Momma, I am ok”
He is continuing to soar and watch over us
He is also telling me it is ok to physically let go
As I am ok and will be with you always.
Soar on my sweet son, Kevin.
In loving memory of
her son Kevin Robert
7/19/94 – 5/10/98
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So beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I too am missing my so, John born May 7, 1990 and died March 7, 2014.
A beautiful poem> It reminds me of my son who loved to watch eagles soar/ Thanks for sharing. I miss my son terribly, Michael October 10, 1987 – December 6, 2022.
I’m sorry for your loss. I too am missing my son, Omar S. Johnson Pilgrim. Born February 7, 1984 and was murdered on June 1, 2023.
I don’t know how to go on with my life.