
Posts in category "Articles"

Post Traumatic Growth

The shock and the pain blew me out of my world. All of the necessary activity of those days kept me connected with others, those who knew and cared. Then, all of the rituals of death were over. Everyone went…

Limp Stockings and Empty Chairs

The holiday season after a loved one dies is exhausting. It is exhausting because the poignancy of each ornament, stocking, favorite dessert, and Christmas tree farm outing, crystallizes the pain of their absence and their continued presence in relentlessly concrete,…

I Loathed the First Christmas After My Brother Died

I felt like the strands of jewel-toned lights were taunting me, the ads flashing symbols of family and love and togetherness. The tumbling of decades of holiday memories rising in my mind: the time my brother and I secretly opened…

The Most Complicated Time of the Year

Here we are again, amid the longest and most complex holiday season of all. This time of the year puts a multi-colored spotlight on every one that is missing in your life and all the parts of your life that…

Grief Takes Time or Does It

At first, there’s a flood of “I’m so sorry” variations as soon as you mention the loss of your child. It’s only been a few weeks since you said goodbye. These common condolences, while considered thoughtful, seem to fall quite…

Some Suggestions for Thanksgiving

Throughout our lives, expectation of things to come is based upon past experiences. If, in the past you had set a glorious table and were the perfect host or hostess, it is very possible that friends and family will expect…

The Pain Softens with Time

On October 7, 2006, my life changed forever. As I held my daughter in my arms, my only child, my beautiful 2 1/2-year-old was removed from the machine that had been keeping her alive for the last 3 days. Kaylee…

Traditions: What to Keep and What to Let Go

Traditions are very important to our families, and we may share large and small ones throughout the year. Some may be in conjunction with significant events like a graduation or a wedding, and others occur annually on birthdays and holidays….

Faded Fall Embers

Fall was our favorite time of the year; the feel and scent of cool crisp air, cozy aromatic kitchens, candles, decorations, and colorful falling leaves. But most of all, the crackling flame and smell of a bonfire, a relaxing night…

The Empty Chair: Seven Lessons Gained in Sibling Loss

I never meant to become any sort of expert in sibling loss. That’s not a path anyone would willingly choose for themselves. Back in high school, I remember standing in the funeral home at my friend’s wake. After hugging his…

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This site was donated by the Open to Hope Foundation in loving memory of Scott Preston Horsley.
BBB Accredited Charity Best America Independent Charities of America 2012 Top Ten Grief & Loss