
Fireworks are like the Love in Our Hearts

July brings Central Oregonians lingering blue skies, lazy afternoons and the Fourth of July celebration, complete with the grand fireworks finale bolting from the top of Pilot Butte. This was one of my son’s favorite holidays. When he was six I asked him why fireworks were so special to him. He said, “The lights explode in the dark and make the whole sky light up!” That was obvious. I said “Hum?” He gave me one of his “Oh mom” looks, then went on to say “The fireworks are like the love in our hearts, we should always try to spread our love out to others”. I knew then and I still am aware today that profound wisdom comes from the lips of our children. From the summer on, in my mind, fireworks have been a triumphant testament of love’s enduring power and wonder. I miss my son, Joshua terribly. I comfort myself knowing that his wisdom and kindness were precious gifts in my life.

Wherever you are on the Fourth of July, I hope that the splendor of sparkling fireworks might comfort as you acknowledge that the love you hold dear for your child is the light that is able to shine through you. We all have known grief well, yet as compassionate friends we need not walk alone in the darkness. We can lighten the path for others.

Grief can cripple and destroy us, but as we gather to share each other’s burden, we are able to gain strength. Love for our children is our common flame; sharing and caring keep the flames afire


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This site was donated by the Open to Hope Foundation in loving memory of Scott Preston Horsley.
BBB Accredited Charity Best America Independent Charities of America 2012 Top Ten Grief & Loss