
Buried Heart

My heart stopped the day you died

I put it away in a heavy, metal box

Away from laughter and sunlight


I buried the box

Beneath guilt, regrets and the pain of not saying goodbye

Deeply buried under the pain of missing you


I went searching for you

In forests, mountains and jungles

In deserts, meadows and beaches

Searching for a look, a trace, a glimpse of you


But you came looking for me

In strange, unexpected places

You’d show up for a brief moment when least expected

Bringing me a bird, a song, a sign

Unmistakably you


To show your love for me

To comfort me

To sustain me until we embrace again

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Comments (4)

  • Karen,

    Your Buried Heart story is profound, magnificent, and powerful. It brought tears. I will be saving it to read again and again.

    Thank you for sharing it.

    Linda W.

    • Beautiful poem – searching always for my son. I see him in a song of a bird, the wind moving through the trees. But there is always that empty place where he once was. The love of my life still walks with me.
      Emptiness is ever present.

  • one of the most beautiful poems i have read in a long time. I wish you could stay longer when you come… but with each visit it leaves me longing for the next. Love my baby girl… i miss you every day. always and forever.

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