Page 32 - 2017 Spring-Summer Issue
P. 32

An Update from the Director

of Chapter Services

by Terry Novy                                                 TCF now offers 24 closed Facebook pages that offer
                                                              multiple layers of support to grieving families. To know
For 40-plus years, The Compassionate Friends (TCF) has        that practically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week there is
supported families grieving the death of a child, grandchild  someone reaching out to you with kindness, understanding,
and siblings. This is accomplished by TCF Chapters that       friendship and hope is priceless. To find the complete list
offer a warm and inclusive environment each month where       of closed Facebook pages visit: www.compassionatefriends.
their members can share. This wonderful group of moms,        org/find-support/online-communities/private-facebook-
dads, grandparents and adult siblings that have “been there”  groups/.
know how you feel and are ready to walk beside you as you
travel your grief journey

The same can be said of The Compassionate Friends             The Leadership Facebook page is an awesome opportunity
Regional Coordinator Team. They too are bereaved parents,     to meet other members of chapter leadership, ask questions
grandparents and adult siblings that have experience at the   or simply learn from posts that others have shared. There is
local Chapter level and now are ready to assist the Chapters  constant communication between the National Office and
in their area. The Team consists of 62 members that cover     members of Chapter leadership. Many of the posts spark
46 states and Washington DC. The states that we currently     some interesting conversations but the common thread is to
need help in are Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Montana, North         help one another.
and South Dakota and Utah. I also hope to bring in Co-
Regional Coordinators to work with our existing Regional      The Regional Coordinator also have a closed Facebook page
Coordinator in Central and Southern California, Colorado,     where the National Office can communicate with the RC
Connecticut, Northern Georgia, Mississippi, New Jersey        Team. This is also a chance to share any concerns, thoughts
and Tennessee. The Regional Coordinators (RC’s) offer their   and ideas with their fellow Regional Coordinators. I would
time and experience in visiting Chapters as a guest speaker.  like to offer TCF Regional Coordinators the opportunity for
They present Chapter Leadership Training Programs to          a closed sharing session; too often they are busy supporting
educate and train members of chapter leadership to help       all the Chapters in their territory and forget that they too
them better serve their members. If there are Chapter         need support.
concerns or if they simply need to hear a friendly voice,
their Regional Coordinator is standing by ready to offer      The Chapter Leadership E-Newsletter is emailed twice a
support.                                                      month; we currently have over 3,000 subscribers. Each
                                                              issue focuses on supporting TCF’s Chapter leadership.
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