In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory of Emme Jane Vita

Emme was the absolute most beautiful, smartest, sweetest, happiest, and funniest toddler with sparkling green eyes, golden brown ringlets, and an early love for fashion. Emme adored her mommy more than anything and followed her around all day saying “Mama”. She loved playing outside at her favorite parks, Pixie Park, Corte Madera Town Park, and Dolliver Park, the Children’s Discovery Museum and San Francisco Zoo, attending the local storytimes with her beloved nanny, Vilma, music and gymnastic classes, playing with her mama in the sandbox and water table for hours, singing and dancing all day (most recent favorite songs were La Bamba and Baa Baa Black Sheep), helping cook, brushing her teeth, picking out her hair bow each morning, helping blow dry her mama’s hair, attending the local outdoor summer concerts, riding her e-bike around Larkspur with her mama, going for walks with her dog, Roxy, watering the garden, looking for ladybugs, FaceTiming each morning with her Uncle “Got” and meows, Auntie “Moo”, and Grandma “Gaga”, playdates with her local friends, swimming with her mama, watching Peppa the Pig and Miss Rachel, snacking on broccoli and berries, nightly bubble baths with her mama, picking flowers each day for her mama, playing in her teepee, watching the garbage trucks from her favorite chair, typing on the computer, Minnie Mouse and Elmo, painting, coloring, and play doh. Emme’s most prized possession were her many binkies that she carried around all over the house, but she also loved her baby dolls and stuffed animals, play stroller, her puzzles, books, her new toddler pillow, picture flashcards, legos, bubbles, blocks, play kitchen, whale and duck rubber bath toys, and her musical instruments.

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This site was donated by the Open to Hope Foundation in loving memory of Scott Preston Horsley.
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