Region XIX Education Service Center
6611 Boeing Dr, El Paso, TX, United States
Presentations by:
Dr. Gloria Horsley MFC CNS Ph.D. is the Founder and President of the Open to Hope Foundation a multi-media, web-based resource for the bereaved.
Dr. Heidi Horsley is a licensed psychologist and social worker, and is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Open to Hope Foundation.
Registration fees:
$25.00 per person includes refreshments and lunch
(Register before February 18, 2017 in order to guarantee lunch ticket)
Days Inn
18360 Conneaut Lake Rd, Meadville, PA, United States
You are invited to attend the 11th Western Pennsylvania Regional TCF Conference
hosted by the Crawford County Chapter on address specific circumstances and needs.
JUDY YORKS, a bereaved parent, will be the Keynote Speaker on Friday evening. Judy and her late husband Jerry started the Crawford County TCF Chapter in 1976. They “renewed” the Mercer County TCF Chapter where Judy still serves as chapter leader.
The REVEREND DR. DAVID HOSICK, a bereaved parent, will be the Keynote Speaker at Saturday’s buffet luncheon.
There will be picture boards - please limit the size of your photos to 5 x 7 inches.
There will be a butterfly table with a variety of butterfly items available for purchase.
The registration fee of $50.00 includes all materials, entrance to all workshops, sharing sessions, refreshments at break time and a buffet luncheon.
The Conference will be held at the Days Inn, Meadville, PA. There will be a special flat rate for all rooms. Tell them you are attending the Compassionate Friends Conference to get the special rate. Make your reservations separately by calling the Days Inn (814) 337-4264.
Anyone wishing a picture button of their child may send an additional $3.00 and a photo with their registration. The button will be in your registration packet.
A breakfast buffet will be offered on Saturday morning at an additional cost of $5.95 (Plus tax and gratuity), payable at breakfast.
Christ Church Nashville
15354 Old Hickory Blvd, Nashville, TN, United States
Memories of Love, Melodies of Hope in Music City Registration will be open by June 1. $95/person includes all speakers and workshops as well as Dinner and Candle Lighting on Friday and Continental Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday. Conference Schedule...
Information and registration for the conference can be found on our website. To help volunteer, please contact Terry or David Kaniaupio, email