Annual Worldwide Candle Lighting Services – Countries Outside the United States
IMPORTANT: If you attempt to submit your candle lighting service and we do not contact you or your service is not listed within 48 hours, please contact
View United States Submission Form
Countries Outside of the United States:
Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Honduras, Mexico, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Slovakia
St. Philips Church
- Date & Time:
- December 8, 2024 - 7:00 PM
- Location:
415 King Street 415 King St, Petrolia, ON N0N 1R0, Canada
- Highlights:
Program will have poems.
- Bring:
Candles provided or you can bring one, also bring a photo if you like.
- Special Events (before):
Coffee social following.
- Contact:
- Teresa Lammers
- Telephone:
- 519-882-3999
- Email:
TCF Kelowna BC
- Date & Time:
- December 8, 2024 - 4:00 PM
- Location:
Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery, 1991 Bernard Ave, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9V7, Canada
- Highlights:
TCF KELOWNA will be hosting Worldwide Candle Lighting at the Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery Candle Lighting starts any 4:00 PM and candles will be provided,
- Bring:
Hot apple juice is provided. Please if you are able to bring some treats to share. Dress warmly and ceremony should last approximately 45 min.
- Contact:
- Linda or Glen Woods
- Telephone:
- 250-718-7039
- Email:
Moncton, New Brunswick
The Compassionate Friends of Moncton
- Date & Time:
- December 8, 2024 - 7:00 PM
- Location:
YMCA of Greater Moncton at 70 Twin Oaks Drive, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.
- Highlights:
We will be giving bereaved parents a star to write their children, grandchildren, and sibling names on and place it on a small tree. They are also welcome to read their children names name out loud and say a few words before putting the star on the tree. We will also be reading a few poems and will have a table for photos of the children who have passed.
- Bring:
Photo or a special item of their children.
- Special Events (before):
Please come at 6:45 PM minutes prior to the candle lighting to get to know new members.
- Special Events (after):
We will be offering to meet at a local restaurant near the venue after the candle lighting event should participants be interested in joining us.
- Contact:
- Nikki Kennedy
- Telephone:
- 1-506-380-1988
- Email:
- Additional:
We ask that you arrive 10-15 minutes early to place your children’s special items and/or photos on the table provided. The venue closes at 8:00 PM so we must be out of the building by this time.
The Compassionate Friends of Ottawa
- Date & Time:
- December 8, 2024 - 630 PM
- Location:
Tubman’s Garden Chapel, 3440 Richmond Road, Nepean ON , Canada
- Highlights:
There will be readings, music, reading of children names.
- Bring:
Please bring a free-standing picture of your loved ones.
- Special Events (after):
Ceremony will be followed by light refreshments
- Contact:
- Terry Masnyk
- Telephone:
- 613-614-1414
- Email:
- Additional:
for more information go to
Sherwood Park, Alberta
The Compassionate Friends of Strathcona County and Greater Edmonton
- Date & Time:
- December 8, 2024 - 2:00 PM
- Location:
Glenwood Memorial Gardens
52356 Range Road 232
Sherwood Park, Alberta
- Highlights:
Candle Lighting
Reading of children’s names
- Bring:
Framed photos
Memory items
- Special Events (before):
- Special Events (after):
Light reception after the service
- Contact:
- Chy Salter-Roberts
- Email:
- Additional:
Please register by email so we ensure we have enough candles and food
AFDE – Association Familles en Deuil d’un Enfant
- Date & Time:
- December 8, 2024 - 10h
- Location:
Eglise de Neurey les la Demie (70)
- Highlights:
Témoignages, chorale, lectures de textes, dépose d’étoiles au nom de nos enfants, dépose de bougies, …etc
Ce sera notre 18ème Commémoration
- Special Events (before):
Samedi 7 décembre 10h30: cérémonie mémorielle à la Stèle à l’enfance brisée (Rose for children) au Jardin Anglais à Vesoul.
- Special Events (after):
Déjeuner commun (sur réservation)
- Contact:
- Thierry patrick
- Email:
gemeinnützige Kinderhospiz Mitteldeutschland GmbH
- Date & Time:
- December 8, 2024 - 16:00 - 17:00
- Location:
99734 Nordhausen, Grimmelallee 51
Räume der Babtistengemeinde Nordhausen
- Highlights:
Einladung zum Miteinander durch kurze Berichte betroffener Eltern, Verlesen der Namen der Kinder und Entzünden von Kerzen.
Es handelt sich nicht um eine kirchliche Veranstaltung.
Sie soll auf Hilfeangebote im Landkreis hinweisen und das individuelle Lichtergedenkenden an diesem Tag in der Gemeinschaft vorbereiten.
- Special Events (before):
Räume sind geöffnet ab 15:45Uhr
- Special Events (after):
Cafe und Gesprächsangebot durch verschiedene Selbsthilfegruppen der Stadt,
Zur Zeit des Lichtergedenkens um 19:00 Uhr sollen alle Eltern und Teilnehmende die Möglichkeit haben wieder zu Hause zu sein und ein Licht in das Fenster ihrer Wohnung zu stellen.
- Contact:
- Gert Bufe
- Telephone:
- +491638908761
- Email:
Thames Valley
Red Thread
- Date & Time:
- December 8, 2024 - 7:00 PM
- Location:
- 1792 Mangakahia Road, Totoki-Parakao Northland New Zealand
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1792 Mangakahia Road, Totoki-Parakao Northland New Zealand
- Highlights:
Candles will be supplied. Event will include meditation and refreshments. If attending can you register your interest by email or text. This helps with provision of refreshments etc.
- Bring:
Please arrive by 6:45 PM for the Candlelight to start at 7:00 PM
- Special Events (before):
- Special Events (after):
- Contact:
- Susan-M Pryor
- Telephone:
- 0212084167
- Email:
- Additional:
We are holding a simple ceremony and inviting others wherever they are in New Zealand to do the same. To pause – light a candle of remembrance, say a prayer or blessing, maybe share some memories and if you want music or food. It can be as big or small as you like. The secret is SIMPLICITY and INTENTION.
Los Amigos Compasivos
- Date & Time:
- December 8, 2024 - 6:00 PM
- Location:
Centro Yolanda Guerrero
Ave. De Los Niños
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
- Highlights:
Psychologist and bereaved mother Dr. Ada Rosabal Silva will moderate, readings of TCF’s Mission, TCF Credo and Siblings Credo. Candle lighting will follow reading of our children, grandchildren, and siblings and for each one there will be a bell tolling. A singer and flute player will be singing during the candle lighting program.
- Bring:
Framed pictures for the main table and refreshments , pastries and snacks will be served.
- Contact:
- Nivia Vázquez
- Telephone:
- 787-506-3377
- Email:
- Additional:
Arrive early. Expected attendance 200 and TV coverage.
fb page Sviečka na pamiatku zosnulých detí / Svíčka na památku zesnulých dětí
- Date & Time:
- December 8, 2024 - 19:00
- Location:
- Translation: Virtuálne stretnutie a zapálenie sviečky na fb stránke Sviečka na pamiatku zosnulých detí / Svíčka na památku zesnulých dětí, ktorá je venovaná pamiatke zosnulých detí.
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Virtual meeting and lighting a candle on the fb page, which is dedicated to the memory of deceased children.
Translation: Virtuálne stretnutie a zapálenie sviečky na fb stránke Sviečka na pamiatku zosnulých detí / Svíčka na památku zesnulých dětí, ktorá je venovaná pamiatke zosnulých detí.
- Highlights:
We will share photos of our children, music, poems, greetings to heaven and prayers. We will remember our dear children with love.
Translation: Budeme zdieľať fotky našich detí, hudbu, básničky, pozdravy do neba a modlitby. Budeme s láskou spomínať na naše drahé deti.
- Bring:
Photo and candle.
Translation: fotku a sviečku.
- Contact:
- Zlatica Bačíková
- Email: