
Starting a Chapter of The Compassionate Friends is a rewarding experience and a labor of love.

Form a Chapter

You’ve gone through perhaps the most difficult time of your life—the death of a child from your family whether a son/daughter, sister/brother, or grandson/granddaughter. It is possible you found support through a Chapter of The Compassionate Friends where others who had experienced a similar loss but were, perhaps, further along in their grief helped you survive a time you thought unsurvivable.

You may have continued with the chapter in some role in chapter leadership, gaining strength, helping others. Yet you also see the need for a Chapter in another location—perhaps closer to where you live.

Starting a Chapter of The Compassionate Friends is a wonderful way to honor the memory of the child(ren) who led you to TCF meetings and the friendships that you and others have shared as you’ve traveled a very difficult road.

Or it is possible you may have heard of The Compassionate Friends and feel there is a need for a Chapter in your area.

Starting a Chapter of The Compassionate Friends is a rewarding experience and a labor of love—one in which TCF’s national organization is ready to walk with you every step of the way.

Form a Chapter Request

You must be at least 24 months from your grief and be a bereaved parent, adult sibling, or grandparent. We encourage co-leaders to share the work, but many chapters have been started by a single leader. Besides yourself, you will need 2-3 others who are also dealing with the death of a child, sibling, or grandchild and are committed to helping the chapter as a core group. If you are a professional, you can be instrumental in getting the chapter started, but would need a bereaved parents, adult sibling, or grandparent to lead the chapter.

The location where you wish to become established must generally be at least a 30 minute drive from the nearest TCF Chapter, however, TCF is committed to the needs of the communities  and will consider community input.

There is a start-up fee of $150 to cover TCF National Organization costs of helping you to get started and provide resources for the chapter. Reach out to your community especially funeral homes, churches, and local businesses as they will often help.

  • Find a location to hold meetings
  • Pick your support team
  • Get the word out
  • Get prepared
  • Pick a date

Absolutely! TCF will be here to help you every step of the way so that you may help others.

Yes, training is available on our Volunteer Leadership website providing over 25 different training videos. Additionally in-person training is offered on Leadership Day at the National Conference of The Compassionate Friends.

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  • Phone: 877.969.0010
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This site was donated by the Open to Hope Foundation in loving memory of Scott Preston Horsley.
BBB Accredited Charity Best America Independent Charities of America 2012 Top Ten Grief & Loss