

Every snowflake that falls is unique and has its own individual design.  There are beautiful patterns in each snowflake and even the tiniest of flakes have their own markings.  These patterns change again and again—even after the flake touches the ground.  Each snowflake is a cause for wonder, each flake is one of a kind.  No two are exactly alike.

Like the snowflake, our beautiful children were each unique and special; some we only dreamed about and some danced upon the earth.  They filled our lives with wonder and transformed our world.  We held them too briefly, but we will hold them in our hearts forever.  We shall remember them always.

At this time of remembering, it may help to reflect upon how our lives have been enriched by the love we have given and the love we have received from our children.  Our children leave treasures behind that time can never take away.

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Comments (1)

  • My son left behind his 2 daughters, what a gift they are too me. I see my son in them all the time and it is such a blessing to me.

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This site was donated by the Open to Hope Foundation in loving memory of Scott Preston Horsley.
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