In 2007 my elder daughter, the single mother of fraternal twins, died from injuries she sustained in a car crash. My daughter was 45 years old when she died, and the shock of her death will be with me forever….
“The good fairy isn’t coming,” my mother said. She often said this, not to hurt my feelings or quell my belief in fairies, but make me responsible for myself. I learned this lesson as a child and have applied it…
Nobody expects to raise their grandkids, but thousands of Americans are doing just that. I’m one of them. On a snowy February night in 2007, my daughter died from the injuries she received in a car crash. In the fall,…
“The 10th anniversary of Helen’s death is coming up,” I told my husband. “I think we should do something significant—write a large check to the food bank or the public library.” John nodded his head in agreement. Helen died from…
The car crash was bloody. A medical helicopter flew my daughter to the nearest hospital, where surgeons operated on her for 20 hours. Their efforts failed. “I’m sorry,” the lead surgeon said. “As soon as we fixed one problem another appeared….