
Articles by Darcie Sims

Spring Cleaning

We used to live in a townhouse, one of those inventions designed to minimize housekeeping chores, mortgage payments and a tendency to accumulate more things than one needs to cross the Sahara in summer. We moved there because I liked…

Love Never Goes Away

“Why does it hurt so much? Why is this grief so incapacitating? If only the hurt weren’t so crushing.” Sound familiar? All of us have known hurts before, but none of our previous “ouches” can compare with the hurt we…

For That, I Am Thankful

It doesn’t seem to get any better… but it doesn’t get any worse either. For that, I am thankful. There are no more pictures to be taken, but there are memories to be cherished. For that, I am thankful. There…

I Didn’t Say Goodbye

There simply wasn’t time to finish the sentence or to make sure he had everything he needed:  watch, money, schedule, notes, clean underwear. I had planned on having a nice, leisurely moment or two, simply gazing into one another’s eyes, memorizing the…

Somewhere It’s Spring

It’s spring in some places now. And in some places, it will be winter for another couple of weeks (months?). Somewhere the tulips are beginning to push through the soft earth and somewhere the birds are returning to sing. Somewhere…

Handling the Holidays

The holidays are coming and I’m not ready. Everything seems to sparkle and there is always so much to do! It is a festive time, filled with joyous occasions and family gatherings. But when your family circle has been broken by…

I Sent You a Kiss Today

I sent you a kiss today. Did you get it? I sent it by air mail. I kissed my fingers and then opened them to the breeze and watched it go. I tucked in some hugs and well wishes, too….

Choice Points in Your Grief

      We have always had choices in our lives: Should I smile or cry now? Which thumb to suck? Which shoe to lose? Who will be my best friend? Who will be my second best friend? Which to…

A Breath of Summer – Anytime

It’s summer and the air is warm upon my face. The sunlight dances across the grass, casting tiny shadows of the dandelions that wave in the afternoon breeze. It’s nice here, sitting on the step, letting my mind wander, not…

Somehow It’s Spring

It’s spring in some places now. And in some places it will be winter for another couple of weeks (months?). Somewhere the tulips are beginning to push through the soft earth and somewhere the birds are returning to sing. Somewhere…

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This site was donated by the Open to Hope Foundation in loving memory of Scott Preston Horsley.
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