
A Visitation Dream

I had a visitation dream from my son a month ago.  The message in this dream was so profound for me I don’t think I will ever be able to go back to thinking about this subject the way I did in the past.  The message was powerful to me to the extent that I got up out of my warm bed at 2:00 am to write it in my journal and date it.

I will try to set the stage for the dream.  The dream felt very ethereal, almost as if viewing it through a veil. As I glided gently through a soft and gentle atmosphere, I saw a building that looked rich with history, much like a charming hotel from another time.  As I strolled outside the hotel, the windows to the rooms were open.

The rooms were dimly lit, soft, and hazy.  There were lacy, gauzy curtains fluttering gently with the breeze at the windows, billowing out.  Music played inside each of the rooms.  Each room had different music playing softly, each different to the individual who resided within.  The music was soft and ethereal, a little bit of what on earth we would call a soft, slow jazz, full of meaning to the musician, familiar but not recognizable.  It was clear that the music represented the soul within each room and as I strolled by each open window, the personality of the soul within floated gently towards me.  Softly, the personalities introduced themselves wordlessly.  None of them were people that I knew from earth.  Each personality was distinctly male or female.

The thing that they all possessed was the same type of personality.  Gentle, quiet, unassuming.  Perhaps on earth, they were the type of people we all know at least one of…the personality that was too gentle, too beautiful for this world, deep thinkers, and quietly passionate about ideas that interested them.  We all know they are deep, yet it is hard to draw them out fully.  Yet when a one on one conversation can take place and they know that they had our full attention, their passion comes tumbling out, almost like they are spilling out the dreams and passions that have been trapped in their head and need to spill out like a dam that needs to be released.  The conversation is animated until another person walks up and the magical spell and connection from their heart to your heart is broken and cannot be retrieved.

I sensed that all of these personalities would have been labeled on earth as being melancholy or depressed.  In the dream, it was as if this was a hotel for gentle souls.   I felt as if I were allowed a glimpse into their soul briefly.

All of a sudden I felt as if I had an understanding of what they struggled with while on earth.  The earthly world was too harsh, too bright, too abrupt, too insensitive, too fast, for them to thrive here.  They made me feel that they were always misunderstood here.  They were in this world but not prepared for the harshness of this world.  They stayed as long as they could.

Some left early by grace.  Some asked to leave and their actions helped speed the process.  They hated to leave early, almost as if they were at a party where they wanted to have fun, but the music tempo was too loud, jarring, nervous-making.  They loved the people at the party but they needed to slip out of the party early to go Home.  The wanted the party to continue for all of the people they loved but the party just wasn’t for them.  They were ready to go Home, where the music was softer and their mind could be quiet.  They could slow down, their heart rate slowing to a gentle beat.  The air could become still, peaceful, and they could think beautiful thoughts, free from the distractions of this busy world.

I recognized none of the people in the dream but they all reminded me of my son.  They showed me that there are many in this world who cannot find their footing or their place here.  The message was that they tried so hard to stay but just could not do it despite their love for those who loved them most.

Will came into the dream and without words told me, “See Mom, this is why I needed to leave early. I can handle this way of life more easily.  I needed this rest and respite.  I might venture out and try again after I have had the chance to recharge my soul and get the energy to try another party.”

A feeling flooded over me that the reason that some people need drugs or alcohol in order to cope is that they need their world to be softer at times in order to cope with the harshness. They are looking for respite and a hazy vacation from the harshness of their life.  Slowly, they need more of these artificial respites until it seems as if they need it every day until eventually, they needed to leave this world of artificially induced haziness and quiet in order to go to another world where this gentleness is a constant state.  They tried the party of life until it was time to slip out and go Home.

In the dream, it all felt sad to my earthly brain but I felt as if I were able to glimpse at this new world for them.  Heaven is the place where they can just BE with nothing that they have to prove anymore and they are accepted without judgment or explanation.  Finally, they are at peace.

Peace was the overall feeling.  That is all that they ever wanted.  They wanted it here but could only have it in short bursts.  I felt no judgment for them, only love and compassion for how hard they tried to do what the rest of us do more easily.

They impressed upon me what Heaven feels like for them.  The feeling they gave me was the way I feel when I am doing a guided meditation where my thoughts can ebb and flow, like gentle waves upon a shore.

Gentle and predictable, like an ocean that flows gently, whooshes, and recedes.  Close your eyes and imagine being on a beach in a comfortable chair, eyes closed, aware but not focused on anything of this world.  You are only thinking about your own gentle thoughts and the sound of the ocean, at one with nature.

Imagine being in a quiet wood, only listening to the sounds that the wind makes, the sound of the birds calling to each other, flapping their wings as they fly from one perch to another.  The gentle rustling of little creatures scurrying, rattling the leaves and twigs gently snapping.  You are quiet with your own thoughts  Peace, sweet peace.

The message came to me that I need to sit alone outside every day and be quiet.  To be able to sit in a place where earthly time disappears.  No phones allowed.  The more I think about it this would be a heavenly mini vacation.  The message was clear that I need to set a priority for these vacations where I am free from the constraints of the earth.

The message to simplify, downsize, leave plenty of time to pursue what makes me happy in order to escape the tasks that go with a life that is too large.  Don’t let life get too large for you was what I felt.

The visitation dream from these beautiful souls and my son left me filled with compassion for their struggle.  It left me with a desire to notice these same types of personalities still here on earth and to give them a smile filled with the message that  I see you, I  hear you, and I know that you are doing the best that you know how to do.  It left me with the feeling to pray for them with passion, recognizing that they are all someone’s child, spouse, parent, friend.  “God, please place someone in this person’s path today that lets them know how deeply loved they are by You.”

This was a beautiful dream and meditation.  I haven’t been able to get it off of my mind since I experienced it a month ago.


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Comments (3)

  • Thank you so much for this; I can only hope and pray that I get a dream like this. I have so much pain from the sudden death of my son Daniel. He was 30 and leaves behind a 4 month old son. My heart is so heavy.

  • I feel so sorry for you. I lost my 25 year old son on May 4th, 2019.

    This is the worst pain, no words to express the way I feel. My heart is broken or shattered into pieces.

  • This was touching. My son died on January 9th, 2019. He was 35. He was amazing and my heart is so broken. I hope he has that kind of peace somewhere.

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